Hon Prince Kofi Boadi shares testimony at international gathering


Honorable Prince K Boadi, A Bronze Lion Executive with his car award 

Hon Prince Kofi Boadi shares testimony at international gathering.

Honorable Prince Kofi Boadi, the founder and leader of the Visionary Team of the TIENS Group in Ghana has shared a short but inspirational testimony at the international gathering of TIENS members from across the continent in Abijan, Côte d'Ivoire.

In a short but very inspiring testimony that was shared with the teaming crowd that had gathered, the former forestry commission officer shared how he met Madam Abigail Adusei who introduced him to the business.

In his words, "today, when I see my fellow forestry commission officers, I can see the gap is very wide"

He mentioned that in this business of multi level marketing, "as you help your business partners to grow, you automatically also grow". Therefore, after helping four of his team members to win their car awards, he has finally also qualified for his car award.

An elated looking Mr Boadi was adorned in the Ghana flag as he proudly usually does during major events of the company.

Other TIENS members from different parts of the continent took turns to also share testimonies.

Click HERE to watch the video

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