Benefits of attending training meetings at TIENS

The role of training in network, and especially in TIENS cannot be overemphasized. Here in TEINS Ghana, there are even much more reasons why you need to attend training programs and I hope I will be able to explain everything here.

The first thing I want to touch on is something that pertains here in Ghana and mostly on the African terrain. Because people do not understand the concept of taking food supplements, all sorts of methods must be employed and strategies derived to grow your team and to make sale

Of of these is to learn fast on how to train your team so that you can duplicate yourself in smaller markets in other parts of the country.

This becomes crucial as the market gets saturated in one place. For example, I am in the Kumasi office. Now in the city of Kumasi, you will often find posters all over place with people advertising vacancies and opportunities, most of these are for people to call, and then once they call, they become prospects who have to be invited to sit in presentations so the opportunity is presented to them.

Most people misunderstand network marketing and would not even give it a thought, unfortunately due to the sheer number of people who are in one city and who are all adopting the same method of pasting posters and/or sharing flyers of vacancies to people, the market soon becomes saturated within a radius of the city and it becomes necessary to spread out.

Imagine you have gotten the opportunity to now start a team in a new market as your old place of operation has become chocked, you have pasted posters, people have called and you are gradually building a new set of prospects, your name list is getting expanded.

Leaders from your old market would visit to assist you from the beginning, but with time, no matter your rank, you will be expected to take charge, lead your team, and then do presentations to your prospects, and as they register, you are expected to train them.

Imagine you haven't learnt how to do Open Plan Presentation (OPP), you haven't learnt how to teach about the products (Product Training) and teaching about the business of TIENS/MLM (Basic Training)

How are you going to handle your new market? You will perpetually need others to come do training for your new members and you can only depend on them for only so long.

This is one sure reason why you MUST attend training meetings!

Let me leave you to chew on this, I shall try to do a second part hopefully tomorrow

All the best! 

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!

Mobile Number: +233-50-7643-997

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