Destination evets: what I learnt from Ofosae Kokoben


A session of participants (The BNNERMEN TEAM) from Kumasi at the event with Dr Ademan Tetteh (Seated, middle)

The benefits of attending destination events in TIENS and any other MLM company for that matter cannot be overemphasized.

As I write, a destination event just ended at Ofoase Kokoben where all of TIENS in Ghana went to gather to sharpen and to hone our skills.

Led by Dr and Mrs Ademan Tetteh who are both directors of the Great TIENS Group, the event lasted three days. Partners to the company arrived at the Pope John Paul II information and conference center on Friday the 29th of July and stayed through till the Monday the 1st of August.

In this series I intend to share with you what I learnt from the event.


It is the joy, wish and aim of every entrepreneur to ensure that whatever goods and services he is offering are available to his customers at anytime T.

In the MLM industry, you are likely to refer people to the products, but since it is you that they know, they are most likely going to ask you for the product.

Secondly, In this business, you want to grow your team, multiply your numbers, grow your income and then can you inspire others.

In all of these, you expect your team to grow and establish in other towns and cities. Once these expansions begin to happen, your team who are now your partners will fall on.

At the event at Ofoase Kokoben, a major lesson that came up is that you the individual distributor / partner must keep stock of products and that is what will ensure that your products are available each time your customers / consumers need them.

Secondly a major lesson that came up is that keeping stock will ensure that keeping enough stock will enable you to supply your team anytime they need products. When your team fortunately grows into new areas, your stock which is available readily will serve them since they these new areas may be far from where the major company shops are.

I will want end this here since this is going to be a long series.

This is the message for the desk of the VICE CHANCELLOR of the university without walls!

Try this and you will live a worry free life in TIENS or your MLM company.

Hakuna Matata! It is a problem free philosophy!

On this note, I wish you the very best.

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!

Mobile Number: +233-50-7643-997         

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