DESTINATION EVENT: What I learnt from Ofoase Kokoben - Vision

Mr Prince K. Boadi after the training session

So this morning, I continue to share with you what I learnt from the Ofoase Kokoben destination event.  

I have already stated that destination events play such a major role in the MLM industry such that, their importance cannot be overemphasized.

Let me go ahead and share the second thing Mr Prince Boadi taught at the premise during day 2 of the entire seminar.

I have already mentioned how he educated participants about working harder and harder and harder.

In case you missed it, CLICK HERE to read it. 

In my next sharing today, I want to talk about VISION

Mr Boadi was emphatic that to be a leader in the industry one MUST as a matter of necessity have VISION. Vision is the driving force that keeps you going.

It is the only difference between people who persevere on one cause in this world to achieve great feats.

Participants at Ofoase Kokoben destination event

If you have ever read of people like Ednumd Germer, the Wright Brothers and some of the world's wild inventors you know the role vision plays in a man's life.

Mr Boadi took the time to take participants on a Biblical journey into the book of Proverbs 29:18 and emphasized the need for a people to have vision.

From my side, what I learnt was that, VISION is that one single thing that can keep you going till you reach the ultimate aim of securing a spot in the much sort after Bronze Lion Executive.

The reason I think each TIENS member needs vision is for a number of reasons

1. Attrition rates are inevitable and can be high

I already wrote about this in my previous piece. When attrition rates explodes in your team and you become frustrated, bonuses can drop, and people who don't understand our business may never take you serious. One thing that can keep you going is the vision of what you want to achieve in TIENS.

2. Friends and Family who are not in our business might not understand you

It is very easy for people who are not in the MLM industry to cause you to leave. This is because our business since its inception in the early 30s have been the most misunderstood business concept on earth, irrespective of the many millions it has created.

I have personally had several calls to leave the industry and take up some juicy appointments elsewhere. This is the biggest single challenge to people with certificates in the MLM industry. 

But all those in TIENS know the gains that await you at the top of the ladder, thus vision of getting there is needed to keep going.

These are only two reasons why you must have a vision of WHAT YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE IN TIENS and let that vision lead you

On this note, I wish you the very best.

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!

Mobile Number: +233-50-7643-997    

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