How to retire young, rich and healthy

In our last post, I left you with a few questions on how you
can retire young, rich and healthy.

If you are in your 40s, 50s or even in your 60s you are not left out of this.

After all, it is better late than NEVER!

By way of a recap, we mentioned the three (3) categories of people who retire.

And we mentioned the first group, one that everyone should dream of. The few group of people who retire young, rich and healthy.

How do you join this group?

To start with, you must have a product that solves some problems!

What product do you have for the world? In this world, money is found in three (3) places:

Viz; Problems, People and Products

  • Wherever you find PROBLEMS, you find money in the solution, and he who finds that solution finds money.
  • Wherever you find PEOPLE, you find money, that is why hawkers will hawk wherever there is traffic!
  • Wherever you find PRODUCTS, you find money, that is why factories are manufacturing products all the time to meet certain needs
Now let us continue, so you need a product, any MLM business that does not have a product that people will need is not worth your time! And that is why I normally would recommend where I belong, TIENS!

The second thing to do is to DUPLICATE yourself!
You can't do it alone

Again! You can't do it alone

And for the last time, you can't do it alone

Ask any wealthy man across the globe and they will tell you the role their team plays in their income generating activity. 

Without a team, you are done for! 

Teamwork is so crucial I can't begin to write about it. Whatever you do, duplicate yourself, this is the secret of businesses that have lived on for generations!

The great grandfathers of these businesses ensure that their children and children's children learn about the family business and carry on with the business way after their original founders have left the earth!

The third and last thing I will share with you today is that, you now become self employed!

One of the most feared things on the earth is to be managed by a Boss who does not even care about how you manage your home, your health or even what happens to your body.

Once you die, they will hire another person, so it is definitely better to be self employed, even if you work for someone, start something along the side, and of course start TIENS!

You will realize sooner than later that you can retire early, young, rich and healthy in a mater of less than a decade!

See you in my next post!

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment! 

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