How to present your MLM Company to others, TIENS as a case study


Good morning and welcome to my world once again.

Let me remind you that this blog will benefit you even more if you are an African in MLM because this is my terrain and world too!

Today, I want to let you in on how to present your MLM company to others.

So you have done well by registering and picking up your package.

Now it is time to grow your team through recruitment.

Indeed, people have availed themselves to listen to you.

Exactly what are you going to tell them and how to you present the opportunity to them.

Remember that there are lots and lots of people out there in the world who need something to do and many are already desperate, you don't want them to feel like "this is another scam" and you don't want them to get confused!

Better still, there are many companies out there that gives products to people in bags to roam round from one office to the other to sell, you don't want them to feel like this one of them.

So, I am with TIENS and will use mine as a case study.


The best way to let people know you are not some "ghost" is to begin by introducing yourself.

Please don't do a lengthy, winding introduction of where you have been since you were born and all the schools you have ever attended and all the cities you have ever stayed since you were born.

That will immediately put your prospects off and make them even walk out on you.

Go straight to the point. Let me show you how....

  • My name is . . . . . . . . 
  • I had the opportunity to work with this company 2 years ago
  • Every since I joined this company, I have experienced a great change in my life, some of which I shall tell you later, but at least, I don't rent a place to say any more, and I drive my own car.
  • I am here to take you through this "interview"
  • We normally adopt this presentation format to take away the nervousness of sitting in front of a panel.
  • Feel at home and let us begin....
I hope these six pointers will help you to introduce yourself well to your prospect before you begin your Open Plan Presentation (OPP)

I shall continue with this, hopefully tomorrow.

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!

An MLM Pro!

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