How to present your MLM company to others III

Good morning and welcome to a Saturday morning, it promises to be a long weekend in Ghana as a holiday approaches.

So we have taken some time to go through how to introduce your MLM company to others.

In Ghana, and at the TIENS company, it is a normal practice to invite people to attend presentations after prospecting through various ways such as posters, online, one on one, your name list and many other ways.

Now, you have a tall list of people coming and you are to plan what to tell them at the presentation and that is what we have been working on for some days now.

I will move straight away to the next point from where we left off yesterday.

After introducing yourself and then telling them the benefits of joining your business, what next.


Make sure you touch briefly on the industry, for example at TIENS, I will tell you about our rating in the entire MLM industry.

This is because you don't want to confuse your prospect.

Many people come for presentations with a mind set of getting a monthly salaried job, and so not that you are talking to them about something different, it is important to open up the deep waters of MLM to them.

Don't let it be ambiguous ambiguity clouds the mind.

Let them know how the industry is and the benefits it has over salaried jobs. Once you clear their mind, you have now cleared their mind, they will settle in their mind in a split second and now be in a good position to decide if they want to journey on with you.

And you will be surprised how far they will travel.

Another thing you should touch on briefly is exactly what work they are coming to do and how the company pays.

For example, at TIENS, we would go like....

Every company has its own goods and services it works with.

Our company also has it goods i.e. products

We also have a place we operate from i.e. the office

And then we have the prices of the products already determined i.e. price

What you are going to be doing is the work for which the company is going to be paying you. And it is......

At this point, you could play around them a bit (If you have the time).

If not go straight to the point and let them know it is PROMOTIONS

And then the various ways in which this promotion is to be done.

At TIENS we organize events in which we provide health education and health screening, and we recommend products according to the outcome of the screening.

We also do customer care, i.e. representing the company and inviting people for check ups.

This moves the prospect a step further in the waters, they now begin to appreciate what is done.

If this goes well, it shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes.

Let it really sink in, this is the make or break point for you.

This is why they came, if this part of your presentation goes well, you are done, and you have succeeded in getting a new team member.

Let us leave it here and pick it up tomorrow.

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!

An MLM Pro!

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