Lessons from strange uplines Part 2

A leader of TIENS Group and I.
A great leader who can hardly put a paragraph together but a Bronze Lion Executive of the TIENS Group, indeed you can't choose your parents, you can only love them

So it is a bright new Wednesday here in Ghana as the rains have subsided, yesterday I started something on how to relate to what I call strange leaders or strange uplines.

I want to share a second part of it with you.

Sometimes it is not always bad to have strange leaders, the worse that can happen is that you might be more educated or older than your upline or leader. This is very okay in the network industry.

One thing you can do is to complement them and enrich the team you find yourself in with whatever you know how to do. If you are more educated in any field, try to enrich the team with your background.

If you have a skill, try to help your leader and the team with the skill. This will help the growth of the team and make your leader proud of you.

Don't try to fight them

Don't try to be bossy

Don't try to prove that you know anything more than anybody

In fact, don't show off just because you have some ability

Once you do that, the leader will either be intimidated and in response avoid giving you any help that you might require from them to grow.

In TIENS for example, it is best to start off and do a one by two system until you are probably at the Bronze Lion stage. And since you only need to serious downlines, one on each leg, your upline will come in every now and then to provide training, to help you with recruitment and to guide you on your way up.

If you do anything silly, chances are that, they will leave you alone and you will find yourself wanting.

Remember from yesterday's lesson that just as you don't choose your parents, you don't also get to choose who will be your upline. You only get born to realize who your parents are.

Now imagine you grow to realize your parents are deaf, blind or have any form of disability even before they got married, that does not invalidate the fact that they are your parents!

You owe them every respect that a child has to give to the parents!

You must love them just the way every child must love the parent and you must provide whatever a child has to provide to the parents whenever you can. 

This rule applies in network marketing and the earlier you get it, the better it will be for you.

All the best! 

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!


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