Introducing your MLM to others IV (Products)

So we have been through a number of steps in how to present your MLM business to others and I have spoken about the following:

  • Introducing yourself
  • Talking about the benefits of MLM to your prospect
  • Talking about your company to your prospects
Today we get into the fourth thing you are to speak about to your prospect(s) and it is the products and services your company offers.

People don't want to be left in the dark, and many hate to be introduced to something vague.

Many also don't want to part with money in a way in which they don't know where the money is going.

So get into the products your company has to offer, and make this brief, don't spend more than 5 mins, except they are asking questions.

If you have samples, it will be best to display and tell them what the products do and then their health benefits. This is what will get them to want to even try the products in the first place.

At TIENS, we normally would show the prospect(s) Antilepemic Tea and Orecare toothpaste. 

If you are a member of TIENS reading this, know that this is the time to get into the TEA so well, let them know what the tea does and why it is healthy for the body.

If you do this well, it will not only move them to register but they would be keen to add it to the number of products to purchase as their package.

Of course touch on Orecare, this is because it is a simple product with enormous benefits that can be used by everyone, children and adults.

If you handle this portion of your presentation well, your prospects should be nodding by now and you will be weaving your way into their hearts.

We shall reserve the last aspect for tomorrow.

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!

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