DESTINATION EVENTS: What I learnt from Ofoase Kokoben - Selling

Dr  Ademan Tetteh, The network messiah
Dr Ademan Tetteh

Herein is another lesson I learnt from Ofoase Kokoben

So it was day one of the Destination event and our trainer for the day was the man who has been tagged as the "NETWORK MESSIAH" for various good reasons.

He started by drawing attention of participants to the conference that 90% of the world's money moves within selling cycles. He then burst the bubbles of participants who had eyebrows raised with a simple question. "Don't you buy everyday?"

The immediate answer from the filled auditorium was pin-drop-silence. 

Now, if you sell everyday, and every business giant in the world sells something, what it means is that the success of an MLM professional will depend on the quantity of sales he or she is able to pull off at the end of each day, week, month and year, respectively.

What this means is that, for each day that passes without any sales from you and your team, consider it as though you own a shop from which the whole day was spent without any sales while using utilities such as electricity, water, human resources and many more.

TIENS conference at Ofoase Kokoben
Members of Visionary Team at Ofoase Kokoben

As a TIENS member/distributor, pushing for sales must be a lifestyle.

Selling is what makes the world goes round.

Once you take out selling from the world, every single penny becomes stagnant and life more or less comes to a stand still. And so selling ought to be your lifestyle.

Within the MLM  terrain, we hate to mention that we sell, however, it is the end goal and the ultimate. Each day, we must grow our customer base and ensure they are becoming loyal consumers of the great products of our great company, TIENS

If you belong to any MLM company and are a fun of this blog, you should wake up to the reality that we indirectly provide our products and services in exchange for currency. As our company makes sales, so are we rewarded bountifully.

If you want to see your account explode, think about ways to push your products all over the world and you will climb up the ladder to the top of your MLM scheme.

This is one key lesson I picked for the destination event at Ofoase Kokoben with Dr Ademan Tetteh the Network Messiah.

Chew on this and let me see you on my next piece.

On this note, I wish you the very best.

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!

Mobile Number: +233-50-7643-997    

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