DESTINATTION EVENTS: What I learnt from Ofoase Kokoben – Leadership

Mr Prince Kofi Boadi

His name is Prince Kofi Boadi, arguably one of the most vibrant, charismatic and very principled serious personality I have ever met.

His demeanor fits that of a corporate personality and each time he mounts the podium to speak, I reminiscent my days as a head of communications in a chartered institution.

He was present and actually one of the organizers of the destination event at Ofoase Kokoben spearheaded by our great leader in Ghana, Dr and Mrs Ademan Tetteh.

It was Day 2 of the seminar and Mr Boadi spoke about leadership.

He started by being emphatic that once you enter into the TIENS MLM company, you are a leader.

And then he built the rest of his presentation on the fact that “leaders are not born but they are made”

And for one to be made, he had to go through and also have certain qualities. He then took the time to enumerate these qualities one after the other and then delved into them in such a succinct way that, the message didn’t only go down well, it was also to the admiration of the teaming attendants.

Let me share one of them with you.

A leader must work HARDER and HARDER and HARDER!

This is a point that resonated with you and really struck a chord in me.

If you find yourself in TIENS, you must be ready to work, three times the way the average corporate person would work. The reason is simple. In the MLM industry there is something called attrition rate.

In other words, the rate at which people whom you have invited and then they have registered would leave you. According to Chuck Holmes, a lot of your team would leave you in the first 90 days, and this is real.

So Mr Boadi reminded participants at the Ofoase destination event that, as an MLM Pro, you must be ready to start building again with the remnant that is left. Start afresh, and in some cases people would start this process three times before they really get their core team.

What I have realized is that, very few people are able to build a team that stays from the word go!

Many would experience a severe attrition rate, and have about 10% of the team staying, and then they would start again and have another 10% from the next batch and then start the third time and have another 10%, so in the end, if they invited and registered 300 people for the three batches, they would have 30 people staying.

Now these 30 are those who would work the magic for the team and ensure that, bank accounts are exploding with some good dollars! 

I will want end this here since this is going to be a long series in which I shall be sharing from this event.

This is the message for the desk of the VICE CHANCELLOR of the university without walls!

Try to go by this lesson from our destination event you will live a worry free life in TIENS or your MLM company.

On this note, I wish you the very best.

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!

Mobile Number: +233-50-7643-997       

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