Business or health? Where do you focus when it matters most?

Sylvanus Gatorwu and Priscilla Ayim during a brain storming session at a
travel and tour time with TIENS 

Welcome from the weekend. I hope you had a blast! Now let us hone our skills in the MLM industry.

If you are with TIENS, my lovely MLM company, you will easily jive with this, if not too, you are my sibling in MLM, just dovetail into this and let us role!

Welcome once again to the TIENS University without walls where we study about MLM. Indeed, this is an entire school of MLM and gradually, this industry is seeing a massive and tremendous revolution. If you are part of the next generation of people to change the narrative of the MLM industry, I am glad to know you.

I recently read an article by Chuck Holmes and it struck a chord in me. I just can’t let it pass by because this is something bothering everyone in the industry. When you have had a nice cruise to the top, of Star 7 (in the case of TIENS of which I am a proud distributor) or any other company for that matter and you are hoping things will get better, then suddenly a tsunami erupts, throwing all the months and sometimes years of hard into disarray, what do you do?

In this piece, I share with you a few tips to keep you going.

Focus on getting consumers to use the products

Chuck Holmes said “not everyone is an entrepreneur but everyone is a consumer”. Now, this is what it means, if and only if the products are good, as it is in the case of TIENS, everyone would love to take them. But certainly, not everyone likes to be bothered with the hustle and bustle of prospecting, follow up, going for events and all that we do with TIENS here in Ghana and in other parts of the world.

And so it is best to rather get people to use the products first.

What this will do is that, you will earn retail income from their usage as well as earn the various bonuses the company has for you. Mr Tetteh Tuwor, a Silver Lion Executive in the Kumasi office said, “when you do TIENS alone, you earn only one kind of income, but when you and your team works, you earn up to six different kinds of income”

So focus on the products with your little team that is left. This is because attrition rate is bound to be within significant percentages.

As happened to me, I woke up to find 4 of my hardworking downlines travelling outside the shores of the country for greener pastures elsewhere in different continents. I ended up with one leg effectively working while the other went totally down.

In such cases, your best bet as you seek to recruit to bring the dead leg back to life is to ensure you instill the art of “making sales” into them as soon as they are registered. This way, even if you have only 5 active team members who each has only 2 loyal customers each, that makes 10 loyal customers, plus their personal patronage.

Eventually, out of the 10 loyal customers, you stand the chance of some of them eventually migrating into entrepreneurs. This is the way to go.

Note that per observation, and this has been confirmed by big names in the industry like Randy Cage and Chuck Holmes, there is something called “easy come, easy go”. It is simply that up a huge chunk of your members are bound to leave you within the first 90 days.

The cap of those who will stay has been put around 5 out of every 100, so make it a habit to go in for building of customers, focus on getting the products sold, and then as you build a solid clientele base, you shall have an eruption of serious minded entrepreneurs out of them. This is what will explode your bank account!

On this note, I wish you the very best.

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!

Mobile Number: +233-50-7643-997

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