The place of events in TIENS MLM

Michael Afrifa Boakye, my leader engaging listening
audience during a radio discussion on our event

Good day and welcome to my world of MLM, indeed, this is a university without walls. So far so good, and I am inching towards my second anniversary in TIENS with a lot of pride. I was only two months into the company and I was told we were going for an event.

Upon arrival into the township of New Edubiase

The location was at New Edubiase, the district capital of the Adansi South district in the Ashanti region of Ghana. Preparation was apt, in the company of our top leader, Mr Ernest Oppong Nkansah, we visited the chief of the town, Nana Oguaeshia Brinkorang.

The visit was to introduce ourselves to him, seek his permission for what we were about to do in his town and then ask for his blessings for the event. He asked a number of questions to which we gladly provided the answers.

In a group picture with the chief of New Edubiase

A day was set and we left Kumasi for the town. We were to spend 3 days, on the first day of our arrival, we roamed the town, sharing "health flyers" to every one we could find and announcing our health screening activity, venue and time to them.

After that we hanged banners in town and then in the evening, we visited the fm radio station in the township, the Edubiaseman FM station to talk about our event. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE TALK. 

After the talk on the station, we set up for the screening, and then went on to make announcements at some information centres.

The next morning we were at the venue, set to screen attendants and then recommending the TIENS quality food supplements that would help them according to each person's issues.

The event went so well, and we returned to Kumasi with enough sales.

Even though this was my first event as a TIENS distributor, and a huge success, it doesn't always turn out this way. Sometimes, a lot of bitter experiences are encountered. Other times, these events bring smiles onto the faces of distributors.

This may not be the case for those in the Western countries, but on the African terrain, events and health outreaches have come to stay and play a major role in our work as TIENS distributors.

Just how far should a distributor take these health outreach programs?

What are the dos and don'ts of such events?

Should they be encouraged?

If these events are to form a core part of the TIENS business, what are the things to consider?

Let me leave you to deliberate on these questions for now. I shall revisit this topic hopefully in my next write up tomorrow and then seek to provide some answers from experiences that I have gotten so far.

On this note, I wish you the very best.

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!

Mobile Number: +233-50-7643-997   

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