They stole my idea!


TIENS certainly is one of those wonderful network marketing companies that when you step in, you look around you and realize you are not alone. It is even more refreshing when you step out in any paraphernalia and hear people talk so fondly about the company. On the 18th of January, it was such a joyous moment as many walked away with a lot of prizes just for attending the Big Business Show (BBS) at the Kwame Nkrumah University.

Phenomenal still was the feeling of seeing people walk off stage with a presentation of their car awards that they have worked so hard to achieve, USD 15,000 is certainly a life changer, and to think that the TIENS company gives out such amounts to people for working for just 3 years to 5 years is sometimes unbelievable.

Well, where am I going with all of these, in my 24 months of being with TIENS, I would wish many would come on board this company as a vehicle to reaching financial freedom and independence.

The work of TIENS in Ghana is done in such a way that, it thrives on customer service, word of mouth testimony, recommendations and events. All these do happen in a barrage of ideas and sometimes, distributors feel that their business partners have leaked information from their smaller group meetings, some also think that others have stolen their ideas.

This occurs especially when a group has met and discussed an issue, a way to increase sales and increase membership. The aim of this article of mine is to burst your bubbles and dislodge some mindset that some distributors have.

Let me let something real out to you and get this straight. Ideas are not your preserve and the world is not going to stop because of you.

If you have ever felt like someone "stole" your idea, this is what it is, the moment you have an idea and start thinking, many people also think of the same idea as well.

The world is a very BIG place and same ideas freely circulate all over the place all the time. The only difference between two people thinking of the same thing is action, those who take action get results and in this case, they make money. Become more fulfilled. The world is not going to stop for you to implement an idea when you think you are ready.

One of the things that have kept you where you are is fear, you are so afraid of the unknown that instead of asking yourself what could come out of an action, you ask yourself rather "what if something goes wrong" and this keeps you in your comfort zone without progress.

For some it is procrastination, they just enjoy postponing the very action that could bring more money into their pockets and as they keep postponing, others take action and then they feel someone has snatched their ideas.

For others still, it is lack of interest, they want the money TIENS has to offer, but they just will not show any interest, they stick to their certificates, they just won't take a step, they prefer to just refer a client to a distributor and then when the distributor makes gains, they go fighting for a share of the gains, funny!

There are some distributors too who will just not do the needful at all, all they want is to stick to the orthodox way of doing things, never changing methods and never daring.

Let me send by sending out this as loud as I can TAKE ACTION

Go out for Prospecting

Paste those posters

Seek out for clients wherever you can find them

Distribute your flyers

For any idea that comes to mind, simply take action and see the action role in some good sales.

Till them, keep going 



Keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top! 


I remain your Vice Chancellor of the University without walls

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