Do things differently to succeed in MLM

This is the second time I am sharing from a lesson learnt from one of our leaders in Kumasi TIENS, Mr Seth Quampah. It was another of those exciting times when lecturers were being trained. I sat and watched as he walked majestically to the front to give the closing remarks.

As we have had enough for the day, we were expecting something that will really bubble us up, and we got it, it felt like we needed more now!

Mr Quanpah was blunt, concise and straight to the point.

"People who do extraordinarily well are not extraordinary people and they don't do different things, they only do the same things differently"

The statement hit me like a bolt, and I can't keep it to myself. 

If you really want to make it the MLM industry, this is something you should also learn to keep to yourself. Don't do different things, again, don't ever attempt to do different things, or try to create a new system within the already created system. You simply won't survive, you will at best stagnate and give up, next thing, you are out and telling everybody how bad the company is

So bottom line, do the same things but do them differently!

What are these same things?

Go out for prospecting

Make your name list

Ensure you are always recruiting

Keep training your team

Make sales by doing:

Customer Care


and many many more ways that you can employ to ensure you are increasing sales

Make time to think, strategize and innovate! Ensuring that you are within the system.

When you hold on to the system, you love the system and work it, it will work for you as said by celebrated Evrad.

On this note, I wish you the very best.

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!

Mobile Number: +233-50-7643-997

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