Lessons from Coach Onyinye Okoye Part 2

Onyineye Okoye is a coach in the Multi Level Marketing and after six years decided to share with the world what has worked for her. I have been following and been listening too, it is only fair that I also share with you what I have been picking up from this germ of a businesswoman. If you are ready to study, let us get ready to rumble.....

Make a decision

Make a decision to win no matter what! Make a decision to continue no matter what!
This is because in this work, people will reject you. People will pass you by and not give you a hearing ear, people will just not take you seriously but your decision to continue is what will keep you going.

There are also those who will join you and leave you after one month, after a few weeks and sometimes after a few days. What you must do is to be solution oriented. If you are problem oriented, you will be very disappointed. Fact is, there are problems everywhere and you must remember that the network marketing industry is the most misunderstood business on earth even though it is the industry that has created the most millionaires on earth.

Your decision to keep going and to succeed is what will keep you on the move. Your decision to surmount every obstacle! And these obstacles can come from anywhere including your own business partners, your upline and downlines inclusive.

Know that challenges are inevitable! Like it or not, they will come your way, and they will come uninvited. And you don't have any entitlement with anyone. No one owes you anything!

That statement seem hard, harsh and wild but it is true, no one owes you.

On the African continent, it is common to hear people make statements like, "if only my uncle has helped me", "if only my father had sent me to school" "if only my brother had agreed to give me that money when I was looking for a sum of money to borrow" and many more. . . . 

But at a point in life, you can't blame anyone for whatever happens to you, and the earlier you realize this point, the better it will be for you.

You will then realize that the work of making life work for you, is solely yours and yours alone.

All the best! 

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!


Mobile Number: +233-50-7643-997

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