Has your upline neglected you?

Silver Lion Executive - Mr Tetteh Tuwor

Welcome to the end of another week, it is a Friday and a phenomenal one from the university without walls. This is because all of TIENS distributors in Ghana are gathering at a massive destination event from today till Monday and it promises to be an epic one.

That said, what do I have for you today?

In my over one year of stay in this business, I have observed something interesting and want to share my opinion with you.

It is that, several times, I have been called upon to assist people who are not in my team. A lot of these people come with complains of being neglected by their leaders and team members. As bizarre as it might sound, it is real and needs to be addressed.

What I am about to share with you today goes to the one who feels neglected. If you are an upline, do not neglect your team members, however, my post and objective this morning is to speak to those who feel neglected.

Going forward I spoke to a Silver Lion Executive, Mr Tetteh Tuwor who leads the League Team in Kumasi with great strides on how to provide a positive response to this menace that threatens the stay of new prospects.

His response was quick and short, and made so much sense. After I had spend a lengthy time narrating an incident of how I had to spend a great deal of time, effort and resources to assist a distributor who should not be troubling my soul the way she did, he solemnly said;

"She should consider herself as an orphaned child"

Just that? Yes! And it made a lot of sense to me. This is not to endorse neglect in the businiess.

This is not to say uplines shouldn't provide the necessary support.

However, if you find yourself in such a situation, CONSIDER YOURSELF AN ORPHANED CHILD!

As simple as that, that is because it is real! In life, some people unfortunately loose their one of their parents and in some cases both parents to death! And that does not prevent them from surviving or doing their best to make life for themselves.

If they find themselves in an orphanage, they have to live with it! If they find themselves living with other families and are maltreated, they have to live with it.

If they have to become street children and be left to the hustle and bustle of street life just to survive, they have to live with it as well. If they find themselves with some relatives who let them do all the house chores, they just have to live with it!

SIMPLICITA! And indeed that is the solution!

Don't expert your upline to be scourged or scolded because he or she has neglected you.

As bad as it may sound, this is the solution.

Now, rise up! Wake up early! Go out for prospecting! If you need to join another team for some programs just to learn, go ahead, gain the experience and move on.

After all, when you are able to make it, your team grows, and your bonuses won't miss their way into your account.

This is the message for the desk of the VICE CHANCELLOR of the university without walls!

Try this and you will live a worry free life in TIENS or your MLM company.

Hakuna Matata! It is a problem free philosophy!

On this note, I wish you the very best.

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!


Mobile Number: +233-50-7643-997         

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