Lessons from strange uplines in MLM

A leader of TIENS Group and I.
A great leader who can hardly put a paragraph together but a Bronze Lion Executive of the TIENS Group, indeed you can't choose your parents, you can only love them

It is said that every being will bring forth offspring of their kind, and indeed it is the law of nature. In the Bible, God gave an instruction as follows:

Genesis 1:24 "And God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth after their kind: and it was so"

And so it is expected that in every aspect of life every parent will bring forth after their kind, and indeed the offspring should carry the DNA of their parent.

This is however not the case in network marketing business. And that is why I have classified some type of leaders as "strange". This is because this type of leaders may not be like you in many ways.

A lot of funny things happen in this business and if you have chosen this as your career, I just want to leave you with some good word of advice this fine Tuesday!

The first shocker I want to give you is: YOU DON'T CHOOSE YOUR PARENTS!

And this is so in network marketing. In my work with TIENS, I have seen this a countless number of times. Just as you don't choose your parents, you don't choose who becomes your upline in this career.

The troubling thing is that sometimes, you can be a PhD holder and be the downline of someone who hasn't stepped into a classroom before!

When this happens, what do you do?

Remember this always, love your upline! Love them, love him, love her!

This is a Biblical truth, that you must love and respect your parents.

This is the bell that must ring in your mind all the time, love your upline and your leaders irrespective of whatever! When you learn to respect and love them, all other things will fall in place.

Now, also remember that network marketing is not formal education.

It is business and it is a system, so follow the system!

This is the first thing to do, follow the system and again follow the system. This is because it is the system that will lead you into your financial break freedom and time freedom that you seek, it is not the person. 

Your upline has only guided you into a career that is one of the most rewarding in the world. The best thing you can do is to be a fast learner.

Learn every detail of the business, so that you can say goodbye to your upline and move on.

There are times when you two will not see eye to eye with each other because of the difference in educational level and the various environmental backgrounds you two are coming from.

These things are normal and should not affect your business in any way.

Just as you can't choose your parents, so you can't choose who your upline will be. You could two times older than your upline, you might be more educated than him or her, you might even be eloquent than him or her, but that should not affect your business in any way.

Learn fast, study every detail about your business and become independent on time as you see your team grow and then you become a wonderful leader too.

Let me leave you to chew on this for today.

All the best! 

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!


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