Lessons from Onyinye Okoye

So Onyinye Okoye clocked 6 years in network marketing and shared some amazing stuff of how to succeed in this business. And after six years, she repeats some of the things you already know but probably did not take them as serious as you have to.

So, I am going to share those six (6) with you this morning so you can up your game on these.

Let us get started.

1. Show up

So you are in network marketing, may be TIENS like me, and you are not even known by your leaders, you don't attend training, no body knows you. How can you succeed? You have to show up all the time, you must ensure that you are being seen whenever the roll call is made. 

Anytime your peers in the business are being called, simply SHOW UP and let all humans around you know that this is what you do, again and again SHOW UP!

2. Prospect and don't stop prospecting

It is one of the things you learn to do when you start network marketing, you have to build your team and you only build it through prospecting. The problem is that we relegate prospecting to our downlines and expect the team to grow. No! the team does not grow that way, everyone should be prospecting including YOU! as you keep prospecting, your members and partners learn from you and also continue to prospect, that way, the team grows exponentially and your money grows like grass!!

3. As you keep prospecting, RECRUIT!

Recruitment simply means the person has now registered and is recognized by the company! Keep recruiting as you keep doing prospecting. It is a thing you must not stop doing, that is the surest way to keep growing your team.

4. Train

So now, you have done prospecting, you have recruited your prospects, what next? Train them, train them and train them. Training is key and I have already written about it, you can click HERE to read about the benefits of training.

As you keep training them, they keep growing, that is the only way to duplicate yourself into the others.

5. Follow up

Following up on your prospects and clients is so important. Don't forget that, much as you are creating opportunities for others, you also need them so your team can grow and keep growing, once you don't follow up on them you loose them. Once you don't follow up on clients, you don't give them a reason to know that you care. So don't stop following up.

Make time for it, no matter how busy you are, create time for follow ups, and you will reap the benefits thereof 

6. Selling

In this world, all the wealthy people sell something. Chances are that you have bought something in the last one hour, or you will by all means buy something. The question is what are you selling, or as for you, you only take money to buy from others.

You must make up your mind to intentionally sell to anyone anywhere.

In network marketing, you will definitely have your products which you market, so why do you relegate selling to others, I am not talking about carrying products around, but make sure, someone is by all means buying something from you! or through you!

Now, the last point is REPEAT ALL THE SIX ALL OVER AGAIN

Practice these and I shall see you at the top

All the best! 

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!


Mobile Number: +233-50-7643-997

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