Four crucial things about sales
Mr Prince K Boadi and Dr Ademan Tetteh

The place of sales in TIENS and for that matter MLM business cannot be overemphasized.

That notwithstanding, sales is just not selling products and making money out it. At the end of the day, your aim is to have a sustained way of making money and the system of the company continuing to work for you till till.

This is not an easy achievement and does not come on a silver plater.

That said and done, I would want to walk you through four things that you would have to achieve to enable you attain sustained sales.

This will be divided into four stages and was inspired by lectures from a national level of the TIENS Group, Mr Prince Kofi Boadi.

This was during the lecturers training at the Kumasi All Legends Training Centre of the TIENS Group.

Mr Prince Boadi during the training of the future lecturers of the members of the League Team in the Kumasi office enumerated these four achievements.

1.If you sell ideas, you will get commitment

Commitment is certainly important in the MLM business.

This is a must have, especially if you want to build a strong team. What every successful leader needs is a team that is made of committed consumers and entrepreneurs. These would help to achieve recurrent sales over and over again and ensure that your bonuses keep coming and your bank account keeps exploding with the different kinds of bonuses that TIENS offers.

This is the first thing to achieve, and its crucial nature stems from the fact that you the leader reading this must be committed yourself. That is the only way to ensure that your team is getting committed.

This is why it has been touted as a fruit to be reaped after sowing ideas.

Indeed, when you sow ideas, you reap commitment.

This invariably implies you have to provide your team with the right kind of ideas, ideas to help propel your business in the right direction. Sow ideas, sell them to your team members and see them getting committed.

In the next write up, we look at the next thing to achieve in maintaining regular sales.

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top! 


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