Succeed at all cost! Expand your clients with the world wide web


How to succeed in MLM
Sylvanus Gatorwu

Good morning, this is an addendum to my post yesterday.

The world wide web or the internet provides a limitless space for you to succeed as an MLM professional and for that matter a TIENS business partner.

The man who has been tagged as the network messiah, Dr Ademan Tetteh has said that 90 percent of the money in the world revolves around selling. 

In order words, when goods and services move, money moves!

Thankfully, the era of the internet provides a sea of customers everywhere and you can't sit and watch it pass by you. Indeed, traditional ways of doing multilevel marketing still works to an extent and we shall keep to it.

We shall continue to paste posters, we shall continue to share flyers, we shall continue to target organized groups, but this morning, take advantage of the world wide web.

A few tips this morning

1. Make use of google blog

This is a free way to have your content shown to the world.

Aside sharing your content to the world, you also have a golden opportunity to fill your blog with enough stuff that can widen your scope, you can share with the globe your thoughts about business and begin your journey to what you want to become in TIENS.

Apart from google blog is the this is also free, and of course if you want to own a website then you have to think of buying a domain name and paying for hosting

2. Study SEO

This is a great tool to generating traffic to your blog or website.

Its full meaning is Search Engine Optimization

I can't teach it all here, but read about it, and find some time to be taught about it

It will help you to generate great traffic to your content and in the end become a new wide spectrum of audience for you.

3. Read wide to write wide

If you want to keep on writing, or recording videos and become relevant online, you must read wide, and you must do a lot of searching. This is the only way to equip yourself.

I can't say much about reading, the benefits cannot be overemphasized.

Let me end it here and leave you to chew on these few words of mine. The world is now online, and you can't be left behind.

 All the best! 

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top! 


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