The ideal questions to ask after OPP

In our last piece we talked about common mistakes people make after their invitees have attended the Open Plan Presentation (OPP). In this write up, I want to share with you some of the ideal things you should be doing after OPP.

From experts like Randy Cage and Eric Woore, it is obvious that there are some questions that need not be asked after your prospect has attended the OPP. Here in the Kumasi office, it is not uncommon to see people still standing or sitting with their prospects and going over all that was said during the OPP. This is certainly not a good practice as it makes your prospect think you are desperate for him or her to join the business.  

So exactly what should you be asking after OPP? According to Eric Woore, some questions simply activate the critical thinking part of the brain of your prospect and they will only find reason why they should not join you.

Some of the best questions to ask are, “what did you like about the presentation”

This particular question is a great one because, from my experience, it kicks starts a mode of searching for the good in the business, this makes your prospects not to look for excuses but rather reasons to succeed.

One other thing you should also do is to allow your prospects to go chew over the presentation and then reach them in the evening. It has been said that if you wait for too long before calling them, chances are that, they would have forgotten most of what they heard and the vigor for the business would have died down.  

If they should tell you they don’t have the time at the moment, don’t panic, simply ask when is the best time to get back, and then book an appointment, but remember to DO WHAT YOU HAVE SAID YOU WOULD DO.  

If it is a phone call you promise, make sure you deliver.

If it is a visit, make sure you deliver.

The entire success of follow up is doing exactly what you have said you would do.

  Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top! 



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