Be a pipe in network marketing not a bucket

Because network marketing thrives on the ability to build a team, and your income invariably depends on the size of your team, it is very easy to be tempted to think that you are in competition with others for prospects, but that is absolutely not the case.

I have always opined that the sky is too big for two birds to collide! And that is just how network marketing is, once you get it, know that you are in a magnanimous sea of an environment with many people who will not affect you in any way except you allow them to.

Once you focus on your team, and receive the necessary training to keep going, you will surely succeed. The following inspiration is a message I picked up from one of our leaders in the Kumasi office of TIENS, Mr Seth Kuampah

Now, what is it about a bucket and a pipe, in Ghana and in many parts of Africa we carry buckets to fetch water from a stream, a pipe/tap or from a well, and carry the bucket of water home.

Obviously this may not be the case in some advanced countries.

With a tap or pipe, water flows through it and once the water keeps flowing, it is almost impossible for it to have stagnant water stored therein.

For a bucket, if the water taken home is not fetched out, it is just a matter of time and the under of the bucket will be slippery or slimy, simply put, flagelets will begin to grow beneath the bucket and would cause infections of different kinds when the water is taken in.

These give two scenarios which can occur in network marketing. Yesterday, I wrote about training, and this is like a continuation. When you attend training, the aim is not only to equip you but for you to also let out what you have studied. It is said that every business needs competition and if you have none, create one!

You must create a place to also let out whatever you have learnt! It is one reason why I created this blog! So that I can share with the world, the golden nuggets I study and share my experience with you in the MLM industry!

Do recruitment, go out for prospecting, create your name list, except you don't do these things, you will by all means have people joining you, and as they come, even if it is one person, be like a pipe, continue to teach what you learn, as you do so, you stay fresh, you discover other truths and you can add them to your notes.

You can choose to be a bucket, where you content will stagnate unless someone comes to fetch it out.

That way, you will rust, these are the people who come into MLM and in some years nothing changes about them, after a decade and more, the only option is that, they will give up and throw their hands in the air, vowing never to do anything networking again.

I believe this is enough for a morning. Stay well and keep going, as we always say at TIENS, see you at the top!

All the best! 

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!

Mobile Number: +233-50-7643-997


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