How to present your MLM company to others II

Good morning my dear MLM partner, or you who are now considering this industry.

Yesterday, I started a little piece on how to present your MLM company to others and I shared a short piece on how to introduce yourself.

Today I want to touch on the next thing to say to your prospect after introducing yourself.

The next thing to touch on is to briefly talk about the benefits of joining your company. There are a countless number of places to work in the world, and within the MLM space, there are thousands!

So, what makes yours a preferred place?
Why should your prospect be willing to journey on with you?
Why should he or she register to be part of your company?

Again, I am using my company, TIENS as a case study, so I shall try to put out here a short piece on how I would go about mine.

Note that this is just a guide, and you are expected to study your company, get to know the benefits in there and then come up with something that jives with yours.

"...There are many benefits of joining our company....
First and foremost, our company is structured in such a way that you have different streams of income. You don't necessarily wait for the month to end before you are paid......

Secondly, you will attain financial freedom if you follow our system and don't quit. This will ensure that, as time moves on, your income increases as you work and you don't have a limit to how much you can earn based on your work output.

Third is good health, because we are into preventive healthcare, the companies products will enable you to also have good health.

Lastly, you will have what is known as Global recognition.
TIENS has rewards for people who work hard to achieve set targets irrespective of the number of people who qualify.

Once you qualify for a set target, you will be recognized globally for your good work."

Note that this is just a guide again!

Take a piece of paper and draft something and then stand in front of your mirror and practice.

Practice makes perfect, and repetition is the best teacher.
As you keep practicing, you will become that great presenter of your MLM to others, and of  course, if you are looking for one to join, come to mine. TIENS!   

God willing, we shall continue with the third point tomorrow.

I shall continue with this, hopefully tomorrow.

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!

An MLM Pro!

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