The place of events in TIENS MLM 2

Just before taking the podium to offer training on
"How to give professional health talks"
At the all legends training center, Kumasi

Good morning TIENS, Good morning Millionaires!! Straight to the point, I started by recounting my own first event as a TIENS distributor in November 2020. Now just what is the role of events in the TIENS MLM and how far should it be taken?

To start with, know that events are not an end in themselves but a means to an end. So you must handle events not as the work, but as an aid to the work. We shall handle this in two ways.

1. How should events be viewed

2. How do you organize one

So to start with the first, events should be viewed as aids as I have already said. 


When events go well, you could return with so much sales and BV that it brings smiles on the faces of all those who were part of it. However, one should not overly depend on them because they do not have the ability to "auto pilot". The organizer has to keep organizing them if he or she is to keep making sales out of them.

My suggestion is that wherever you hold an event, find a way to introduce the business to some consumers. This way, you could as well do massive prospective underground, and you could discover a well of some entrepreneur who will take up the business and might be the one to continue the ripple effect in that place.

Secondly, make a DETAIL LIST of all the consumers and potential consumers at the event. Don't just go there, do the event and leave. If it goes well, and you make a lot of sales, the work becomes easier for you, if it does not go too well, you have a lot more work to do as you might have to add that list to your name list and figure a way to constantly do follow up so you can get some consumers out of that list.

Thirdly, give a good impression of yourself and leave a lasting one of yourself. If you communicate well, and let the community or group you have visited know who you are, it becomes easier to even come after you after the event.

Because of the misunderstanding of the network industry, there is the tendency to be clandestine, secretive and hide your true identity. This way, you place yourself on a time bomb! And breed mistrust in some clients. Flow in good conversation, and leave the people with a reason for them to come chasing you even when you are done. The TIENS products themselves are good in every way and will not disappoint, so you have nothing to fear.

Because I don't intend to make this a long one, I shall end it here and write about how to organize an event in my next write up. 

On this note, I wish you the very best.

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!

Mobile Number: +233-50-7643-997    

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