Avoid this if you want to succeed in MLM


TIENS Ghana Sylvanus Gatorwu
Sylvanus Gatorwu, after providing training at Kumasi Office

In my less than two years in the MLM industry, I have already learnt some very good lessons. I have had good times and bad times. I have met great leaders and terrible ones. I have seen growth and I have seen dips.

There are some good things I have seen which when cultivated can make your team explode, and I have seen some things that are not worth pursuing at all.

In this post, I share with you one mistake you have to avoid at all cost.

And it has to do with time, time is so priceless, you don't want to spend it on something that does not yield any monetary value. Read on.....


Don’t expend time on people who don’t want success for themselves.


When you get into the MLM industry and for that matter TIENS, one thing you will notice is that, some people are “go getters”. They will go all out to ensure they are succeeding.


Most of these would be people who have no hope, no certificates, no other career to hold on to. A few of them will be literates.


If you go prospecting and some of these “go getters” land in your team and begin to partner with you, well and good. However, there are some who just don’t want to succeed and they will show by their actions that they are just not ready for this terrain.


You are better of leaving them alone and quit spending your precious time with them, continuing to follow them is a number one mistake you can ever make.


Remember that you are the Chief Executive Officer of your team, you are btter of running forward and getting results than to be dragging a 100 people around who only waste your time all day long.


In the MLM industry, people should be teachable, they should be people you can coach and they should be serious. If they lack these 3, forget them.


To succeed, search out in your team for those people who are very serious, and spend time on them, they are the future! You will achieve a lot with them.


Motivate them and give them every help you can, they can make it work with you.


In all, what I am trying to say is, don’t spend time with people who are not committed! This is a mistake to avoid.


For the committed ones, push them! Surprise them, take them out, help them to attend destination event, and do all you can to make them grow in your team and you will sure succeed.

All the best! 

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!



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