Why most people leave the MLM industry

Sylvanus Gatorwu - TIENS, Kumasi

If you meet anyone who has stayed in the MLM industry beyond 3 years and has succeeded, you should respect them. Now, this is because a lot of people enter into the industry and easily leave.

In this piece, I want to just share with you only one reason why most people enter into our industry and leave. It is called attrition rate, if you like failure rate.

The rate is so high that it can sometimes be demoralizing.

And the reason I want to share with you today because STARTING CAPITAL IS LOW

As simple as that.

It does not cost millions or even thousands start your business with TIENS and for that matter many MLM companies. To set up a shop in Ghana for example, you will need to either rent a store or put up a container in your preferred place. You will connect electricity to the place, and you will do all sorts of things that will cost money.

After that you will spend some good amount of money to go for the products that you intend to trade with.

All these would cost some real good money and sometimes, you would have to go for a bank loan.

Because you might start with a loan or savings of a life time, you are most likely to give yourself a long term goal and work towards it making sure you save well, break even and then start making profits.

The problem with most people is that, when they begin their MLM business, they do not invest that much. It takes only 140 Ghana cedis for example to start off your business with TIENS in 2022 August.

Many don't see this as a risk, and so it is very easy for them to abandon the business.

Please note that such people are likely to leave and call the business names such as a scam or a non realistic business venture.

Have this at the back of your mind and ensure that you stay true to your team and partners and keep climbing, it is said that the ladder of success is never crowded at the top, and that is true!

Till then, today is a Sunday, let me allow you to prepare for Monday!

All the best! 

Till then, keep working hard, and be an MLM Pro

MLM is the future!

MLM now!

MLM is the positive response to unemployment!

See you all at the top!


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